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thru Saturday

Free vegetable gardening workshops at our garden center in March and April

John Moulton responding to a question at one of Moulton Farm's vegetable garden workshops

To help home vegetable gardeners have more success growing vegetables, we are offering two free garden workshops in March and April.

In our workshops, John Moulton, owner of Moulton Farm, will present proven tips and techniques for productive vegetable gardening in the Lakes Region. Due to the popularity of past gardening workshops at the farm and limited seats, pre-registration is required.

On Saturday, March 23, in "Vegetable Gardening Essentials," John will share his decades of experience on how to have a growing environment that promotes good harvests of vegetables. Learn how to care for your soil, start seeds, when and how to fertilize and when not to, and what watering practices support healthy plants and discourage plant diseases and pests. The session will also include time to ask questions.

"What you do or don't do early in the season can directly affect how well your garden grows later in the year," explains John. "Many common issues with vegetable gardens can be avoided by paying attention to some essentials at the start of the season."

Register for "Vegetable Gardening Essentials" by clicking here, by visiting our farm market, or by calling us.

On Saturday, April 13, in "Success with Transplanting Vegetables," John will explain what to do and what to avoid doing when transplanting different types of vegetable plants. The session will also include time to ask questions.

Moulton farm field crew transplanting vegetable plants into our fields on a rainy day.
Our field crew transplants thousands of vegetable plants every year.

"Even if you buy healthy seedlings or raise your own, how you transplant them into your garden or raised beds can cause them to fail or struggle," says John.

"Every year, we're growing thousands of seedlings in our greenhouses and transplanting them into our fields. We've certainly learned how to do it successfully. We also grow thousands of plants for our garden center and want to help home gardeners have the same success we have."

Both workshops are free and intended for both new and experienced vegetable gardeners who want to grow food in vegetable gardens, raised beds, or container gardens. 


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