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Open 8 to 6

7 days a week

Jeff's Farm Update: We're picking strawberries and so much more!

Mid to late June marks an exciting time at Moulton Farm. The recent heat wave has ushered in the feeling of summer, and with schools letting out, some much-needed help has been added to our farm family.

The hard work put into spring plantings is beginning to show its rewards. Kyle, Wes, Ben, and our dedicated field crew have tirelessly prepared and planted acres of vegetables. While cultivation and fertilization continue, our focus is shifting toward harvesting.

We've been harvesting tomatoes, salad mixes, and cucumbers from our growing tunnels for some time. However, this past week, our field harvesting has just begun with strawberries, head lettuce, various types of kale, and greens. This week has also seen the first harvest of summer squashes, snap and shell peas, and a bountiful supply of broccoli and cauliflower. Each day brings something new for our farm market, showcasing the diversity of what we grow.

Another sign of summer is that we're now open until 6 pm daily. The exception is July 4th, when we will close at 3 pm to allow our team to enjoy the holiday.


Many of you have inquired about our corn. I'm pleased to share that the corn stands look robust. Although we won't have ears available for sale until mid-July, the corn plants are flourishing in the fields, promising a fruitful season ahead.

Happy summer! We're looking forward to seeing you.

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