We are excited to announce Wes planted our first early block of corn!

Yes, we are taking a bit of a risk due to the unpredictable spring weather, but the soil conditions were favorable for planting, so we decided to take a chance. Plus, it's only getting warmer from here on out ... right!? Well, we won't hold our breath for that, but we are using a cloth row cover to help increase soil temperatures and hopefully increase seed germination.
While the weather has been cool, our field crew has not been idle. Since John seeded our hydroponic tomatoes extra early this winter, we've been busy tending the tomato plants in our tomato house. It looks like we will have some extra early tomatoes this year. Thank John when you see him!
We also started harvesting our hydroponic lettuce and spinach earlier than ever, and it looks like we will have an excellent crop for a while. We even snuck a few rows of cucumbers into one of our hydroponic houses. Let me tell you, the extra early cucumbers we are starting to pick are super crispy and flavorful.
Our garlic is up and growing, and our strawberry field looks to be in decent shape after we removed the winter straw mulch. These are all signs that spring is progressing!

Along with growing produce, our field crew and garden center team have been hard at work planting seeds, transplanting seedlings, and caring for the many perennials we now have. Even our overwintered fruit trees look good and are just starting to shoot some buds. The greenhouses and yard in our garden center are filling up nicely as we head into May.
Along with the annuals, flowers, and herbs, we have a great assortment of vegetable transplants to help jumpstart your growing season. I just came from our vegetable greenhouse and noticed some nice cool season crops that will tolerate some cooler nights in early May including kale, Swiss chard, lettuce, peas, etc.
So in recap, we have a lot going on as we prepare for our 2024 growing season and our open house on Saturday, May 4th. It's going to be a tasty event, so be sure to join us!
We're looking forward to seeing you and are ready to help make your gardens as beautiful and tasty as possible. (If vegetable gardening isn't in your plans this year, don't worry. We'll have plenty of good food coming from our fields! )