Believe it or not, we are already well into the growing season here at the farm. Generally, January is a pretty slow month, and we take advantage of a bit of time away from the “growing” season. However, with the introduction of our hydroponic lettuce greenhouse and the early season tomato houses, time off from actively growing plants has narrowed to just a week or two.
By New Year’s Eve, our holiday greenhouse and the hydroponic lettuce greenhouse are shut down and winterized. But that break in growing things doesn’t last long. John is in charge of officially kicking off our growing season by seeding our first round of tomatoes around the 10th of January.

From there, it begins to snowball! February brings lettuce seeding, tomato transplanting and up-potting, spinach seeding, seeding host plants for our beneficial insects, putting the lettuce into the hydroponic system, seeding the hydroponic cucumbers, and the arrival of pansies and bedding plants.
By the end of February, John's tomato seedlings are growing in our tomato house, so you can enjoy our fresh tomatoes sometime in May.

So, while the snow is still falling, our growing season is well underway in our greenhouses. If you’d like to start growing some things now, visit our farm market for organic seeds from High Mowing Seeds and seed starting supplies.
In the meantime, think spring!