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Kyle's Field Update: Planting, picking and pulling!

Where does the time go? It seems like we are in the thick of planting season one minute, and the next moment we are busy picking so many vegetables and strawberries for the July 4th holiday. Nature sure keeps us busy at this time of year!

We continue to plant corn, lettuce, and other greens to keep providing you with fresh vegetables from our fields well into fall. However, as the planting slows down a little bit, crop care and field maintenance start to fill more of our summer days. Not to mention picking all of the hard earned crops we planted early this spring.

So what’s coming in from our fields?

Our tomato greenhouse is still pumping out awesome tomatoes, and our hydroponic basil is the perfect match to go with them. Our field grown salad mix is bountiful, and so are the new and upcoming fields of lettuce and greens.

Some of our early season crops, such as our spinach and broccoli, have been extra good this year. We will soon start picking our cauliflower and cabbage as well.

We are also expecting a really nice crop of beets within the week. As our shell and snap pea harvest winds down, our first block of green beans is starting to set fruit. Let us not forget about our first of the season summer squash and cucumbers! They look like they will be yielding a bumper crop!

Be sure to periodically check our now harvesting page to see what we have for you in our farm market.

Now the update you’ve been waiting for!

Our sweet corn is looking very good at the moment because our “floating row covers” helped to give it a good jump on the growing season. I see some ears developing in the first block we planted. I am sure before we know it, we will be filling up our bushel baskets every morning.

Our field crew has been hard at work setting up our tomato trellis system. We need to get our tomato plants trellised sooner than later because they are growing like crazy! Dark green and robust plants are hopefully an early indicator of a very good crop of field tomatoes.

Of course, we have a few issues with weeds (weeds and more weeds!) being the primary pest. What would summer be without them? You can guess how I, John, and the rest of the field crew would answer!

All of us at the farm wish you a happy and safe holiday weekend, and we hope to see you soon. Stop into our farm market and enjoy all that early summer has to offer from our fields!


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